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Thursday, July 19, 2007

¤¤¤ Safety Dance - TimeLapse Video ¤¤¤

Just me and two of the guys I play racquetball with 3 times a week. Sure they're 1-2 decades older than me but the great thing about racquetball, age and even size rarely give you any advantage/disadvantage! What they lack in speed and mobility they more than make up for it with their skills! I have no skills so I have to reply more on my speed ;)

When I brought the camera to the court, I wasn't even sure if I would be able to utilize it based on the location of the court and the limited viewing angles where I could set the camera. I wound up putting the camera in a little box (that each court has) on the backside of the court in a little wall cutout.

The video spans about 50 minutes or maybe close to 60, during which time we usually have enough time to play three games.

Safety Dance - Racquetball Time Lapse Video - Amazing videos are here

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