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Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Blockbuster Blitzkrieg / Why YouTube's Transcoding sucks Butt!

I learned a valuable lesson in trying to complete the posting process of this newest video.

Actually the lesson is twofold though they both pertain to the same thing.

1) Motion in YouTube videos is very bad
2) Youtube's transcoding sucks butt, that is to say antiquated and outdated.

Basically YouTube transcodes the video into an FLV (Flash video file) @ 250kbps. Not only that, but they resize the video to fit 425x318 pixels on their site so most videos look stretched; source:

My High Resolution Videos Look Terrible in YouTube, Why?

So my file, while it looked great on my PC in virtually any format or encoding rate, looked like a 18 year old VHS tape once I uploaded it to YouTube...even after following all the advice on Cinetech's website.

However, I finally lucked out by trying MySpace's video service. I'm not sure what version of transcoding they employ but I suspect it is much better than YouTube's based on the results I saw. While the video is still only about 77% as good as my PC version, the MySpace file is lightyears better than YouTube's.

But don't take my word for it, see for yourself:

Check out this video: Blockbuster Blitzkrieg

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Blockbuster Blitzkrieg - Watch a funny movie here

As for the story behind the video...the camera was mounted to my dash, and by mounted I mean I held it there with my finger for most of the shirt ride. I have since used a tri-pod mount though it need some work as far as stabilization is concerned.


Unknown said...

I love your creativity Tim. That is pretty funny. I guess you didn't have too bad of traffic alteast to be stuck in for it :-)

Tim's Digital Darkroom said...

Thanks Kim! Yeah the traffic to and from wither Blockbuster near us isn't too bad.One of them has a wicked left turn that takes forever on account of on coming traffic but I lucked out the day I filmed!

Now I need to start working on my next shopping :p

No, I have one of clouds and another driving one I think.

Anonymous said...

confused.... looks like "metcafe", not youtube...

Tim's Digital Darkroom said...

yep, you are right, not sure why it says that! thanks!