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Monday, June 9, 2008

Baggage Claim #4 - Airport Timelapse V ideo

This while I was waiting to pick up 2.0 passengers @ the airport. This is not during a rush hour by any means but I think it has potential, I would love to return when it's really hopping.

What sorta surprised me is that no one gave me a 2nd look. Sure the camera is small and I'm about as innocent as they get but not one double take the entire time I was there!

Baggage Claim #4 - The best video clips are here


Bulbboy said...

You should have had a camera strapped to your back to record the 5 large security guys following the suspicious guy around.


Tim, you might like this vid. Metal plus time lapse photography!

Tim's Digital Darkroom said...

right! I'll have to do that next time and make sure they film me being detained :-P

wow, no doubt on the video, awesome!! Plus I love the Tool :-)