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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Ice Cream Headache - Ice Cream Time Lapse Video!

My daughter and I enjoying a bowl of ice cream at the mall. It's a healthy 1 scoop of cookies and cream and I guess @ $2.50 or whatever it was it should be a big scoop!!

Whenever we go to the mall she wants the Chic-fil-a and then the IC afterwards! I can't say as I blame her as I am usually clamoring for the same thing(s). This time around instead of the chicken club sandwich I tried one of their spicy chicken wraps...quite tasty! I highly recommend one if you'd never had one!

Her next favorite part of the mall is the play scape that they have...I got some video of that as well :) Stay tuned for that in weeks to come!

Ice Cream Headache - Ice Cream Time Lapse Video! - Click here for the funniest movie of the week

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Dirty Laundry! - Washing Machine Time Lapse Video

You've never seen a load of laundry go so fast! 35minutes of a laundry cycle completed in 2 minutes!

I had to modify the washing machine to be able to run with the top up but I had already done that like a year ago (long story there).

Ok, I've got time. I thought it was a real time waster, to load the entire cycle while the washer just sat there dry. I really wanted to start the water and then add the clothes as it usually takes a good 5 minutes to fill the entire thing. How impatient am I that I can't wait an extra 5 minutes??? Don't answer that ;-)

So a while back I started stuffing a feather duster handle into the slot that contains the safety switch for the lid...all was well and working fine for several months until I jammed the handle in there too hard one day and it busted the switch :-(

So I had to tie some electrical tape around the switch so that the washer could run at all...needless to say it is not the safest washing machine in the neighborhood but it sure came in handy for the video!

Dirty Laundry! - Washing Machine Time Lapse Video - Click here for more amazing videos

Monday, September 17, 2007

Parking In The Lot - Park & Drive Time Lapse Video

A rare dusk drive to the 'ol Wal-mart...I promise I go other places! I really wanted to hit the sunset that day as the clouds were pretty cool but my destination did not afford me the proper vantage point to which to view said sunset. Too bad water towers are of limits, those would allow me to get above all the %#%* neighborhoods!

This is a new Wal-mart so it's clean! But being that it's new and in a relatively small 'town' it's not super busy which is great whenever you have to shop there.

Parking In The Lot - Park & Drive Time Lapse Video - Celebrity bloopers here

Saturday, September 8, 2007

The time I went to 5 Walgreen's in 2 Hours....No, I was not robbing them! - Driving Time Lapse Video

I really did drive to 5 different Walgreen's in just over 2 hours. Was I looking for a strategic balm or ointment? No! Nor was I robbing them or looking for clearance items.

I actually do a little mystery shopping on the side. You've heard them advertised on the radio...earn $$ and keep merchandise...yada, yada, yada. Believe me, it's not all it's cut out to be. By the time you have to study the shop, do the shop, and write up the shop, and buy gas you are working for dirt cheap...most likely less than min. wage in some cases! It's more of a hobby to get me out of the house I think!

But anyway this was a Sunday afternoon, I got a little procrastination action happening and I managed to have this many shops due that day!

Funny thing is that I looked in my TLV folder and there is another segment! I think this video only show 4 different stops...but oh well! You get the idea!

The Time I Went To 5 Walgreen's In 2 Hours....Driving Time Lapse - For more funny videos, click here

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Radioactive Popsicle II - TimeLapse Video

This is a 2nd attempt of Radioactive Popsicle - TimeLapse Video. Originally I wanted to include all 8 'Popsicles' but I was unsure of how they would melt. The first one actually did it pretty fast, I was able to compress the time and it looked like a steady melting process.

For some reason this new batch did not melt as fast. Maybe it was not as hot that day or maybe the time of day which I did it! So I basically had to compress the time twice with this new video. I need to figure out the exact time parameters. I think it's 5 times faster than the original.

I like the way the ice melts though so I've been thinking of a few variations on a theme but I probably won't shoot them anytime soon, that is unless of course I just run out of other ideas!

Radioactive Popsicle II - TimeLapse Video - Amazing videos are here

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Front 242 - Clouds Time Lapse Video

Filmed from the top of my daughters 'Rainbow' playscape, this is a quick front that passed through the area.

And while I know clouds have been done to death with TLV's, having done some myself (Roving Clouds), I wanted to do this one b/c it was a rare instance where the sunset and clouds came together to make it interesting enough to film IMO.

What I really need to do is find a good backdrop and film storms coming in from a distance. The area isn't very flat at all though, might take me a long time to find a good spot!

Front 242 - Clouds Time Lapse Video - Click here for another funny movie.