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Monday, July 30, 2007

McShake It!!! Time Lapse Video _-_-_

I told you I was going to have quite a few driving videos! If anyone wants to see the much higher quality version by all means let me know and I'll find a spot to post them (I think that's called a link :p)

This drive was to a local sports store and then a quick side trip to McD drive-thru. The DT is a lot of fun to see, I imagine a toll booth would also be a trip.

I also want to get some nighttime drive in there soon. Downtown Austin especially ould yield great results I think! Stay tuned!!

McShake It!!! - Time Lapse Video - The best bloopers are a click away


Sean Pollock said...

Haha, that was cool to watch :) I don't know if it was by accident or not but the music worked so well in certain spots ! Haha. I still don't understand why you zoomed in on the truck though?

Tim's Digital Darkroom said...


no real reason for the truck...just trying to mix it up some with the effects and stuff...that's most of the fun for me anyway, doing the effects :D