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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

_/|\_ Mall Rat - Walking In The Mall Time Lapse Video _/|\_

Just a simple stroll through the mall, lots of potential TLV's that could be made there especially during the Christmas season. Yeah I said it, Christmas - none of this "holiday" bull crap...but I digress :D

The music is my 2nd attempt at creating tracks! It's a lot of fun and I'm sure as I move forward it'll come to me and contain more musical merit. Right now the challenging part is just sifting through the thousands of samples - seeing what works with what.

I meant to post this weeks ago but it was right before vacation. Being that we are back now I am behind and have lots more to post soon so I'll keep this one to a minimum.

Mall Rat - Walking In The Mall Time Lapse Video - The best home videos are here